(In the above picture- Ruben is in the blue, I'm the muscular man in white, the torturer is wearing black, and Pam is on the other end of the camera! Others remain anonymous due to witness protection rules...)
This Saturday morning, Carlos the torturer got us together at Torrey Pines for a nice stroll down to the beach. It was a beautiful day, there was a wonderful blue ocean and there were only occasional sounds of rattlesnakes along the path.
My friend Ruben, who quit after the first meeting of the weight loss challenge, showed up with an eye towards entering the next competition. Also present were a couple members of Carlos' team, another trainer, and the professional cyclist from the last competition. There were also a couple significant others- two quiet puzzled looking men who seemed to wonder what exactly their women had gotten them into. My significant other, she of the thin waist line, stayed at home watching Lifetime and relaxing.
Torrey Pines is a beautiful place to go to the beach- clean sand and ocean as far the eye can see. Unfortunately, Carlos had us start some two miles of windy dirt trails away from the beach. I don't want to say that he exposed us to dangerous wild life, but I think the following picture speaks for itself:

Pretty scary stuff, no?
It takes a brave heart to be a member of the YMCA weight loss team.
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