Yesterday, I missed my first team workout. I was stuck in a desert courthouse over in Imperial County. I was defending a client in a multi-defendant drug case. It was a tough case in which a preliminary hearing lasted over a couple days. There was a good deal of good lawyering and the case drew me in obsessively.
Today, I was the last lawyer to cross examine the special agent on the stand. I watched four of my colleagues, distinguished criminal defense lawyers, pepper the agent with questions. It was fun to watch the different styles- an outraged lawyer, followed by a methodical questioner, then a folksy examiner and a scholarly lawyer. Good lawyers come in all sorts of styles. Finally, it was my turn. It's hard for me to analyze my own style- maybe a plus size version of Jimmy Stewart with humor?
Under my cross examination, the agent admitted various facts that helped my client. I won't go into them here as it's an ongoing case, but I received a few compliments from court staff and it felt good to have held my own amongst my colleagues.
Unfortunately, by the time I left Imperial County, there was no way to make it to my workout. I had a quick dinner of chicken, drove home and fell asleep with a little feeling of guilt.
Next workout on Wednesday. The torturer awaits..
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