"Are you sure you went to high school with these guys?" the wife asks me. I glance around the room of people at my 20th high school reunion-Chula Vista High Class of 1989. Only a few faces seem familiar.
"Well, I might have represented that guy with the shaved head," I say as we take our seat at a table.
"I can't believe it's been twenty years," says the guy sitting next to me.
"I can't believe any of you went to school with me," I start to say, but the wife cuts me off with one of her famous "Be nice." looks.
"I can't believe it, either, I say" as I listen to the guy's story about how he's sellling insurance nowdays. He seems happy- selling policies and living the single life.
Another former classmate tells me about her life being married to a Navy seal turned policeman. She seems like a nice person and I probably would have enjoyed knowing her, but with a few exceptions the evening goes like this. People mention that I look familiar and I wonder if I've ever seen them before.
I talk to a few people that I remember, but don't really see any of the old crew. I looked forward to seeing maybe 10 to 15 people, but if they're here I can't recognize them. I wonder if maybe I look different also- I was a skinny kid with braces. Now, I'm a supersized lawyer with an easy smile. Some one asks me if I'm in politics.
"Sure he is," my wife says laughing.
I spend the evening surveying the room, drinking my vodka tonic and enjoying my wife's company. I decide that it's a good time even if I don't remember anyone. Maybe it's better not to remember?
The band, finally, gives up on 80's tunes and plays a few Latin jams. The wife and I get out and dance. Then we dance some more.
We talk and joke a bit more with the people at our table and then take off.
"Are you sure you went to school with these people?" she asks as we walk back to the car. The air feels tropical, reminding me of Puerto Rico on our honeymoon.
"Sure. Even if I don't remember them, they're all friends."
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