About Me

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chula vista, California
Random thoughts, some of them funny, from a San Diego divorce and criminal defense attorney, as he fights for his clients in Court, fights the battle of bulge and goes through life.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Larger than life

Sometimes, I think being a good lawyer, much like being a good writer, depends on a slight bit of insanity...or weirdness in how we view the world. The job can be so depressing that you have to find humor where ever you can.

I was standing in line for court the other day and saw the reflection of everyone waiting in the windows of the court. I noticed that I was much taller than everyone else and thought- "Watch out wee people, the giant is out to get you!"

Then I went into Court and got hammered down to size by a tiny judge with a big gavel!

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony.

Sometimes it's just one of those days.

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