God save America! Can it really be true that this woman could be a heartbeat away from the presidency? A so-called Reformer that used her office to try to fire her sister's ex-husband? A proponent of family values, whose teenage daughter becomes pregnant? A former member of an Alaska seccessionist group? Someone who believes that abortion should not be allowable even when there is incest or rape?
It really distresses me to see the state of the country. As a lifetime democrat, I hope Obama saves us from the possibility of a president Palin, but I fear that he will bring a pretty speech to a knife fight.
Listening to her speak, I hear shades of Reagan and fear that people won't really understand that behind that persona of hers lies a very conservative worldview. She has a laser sharp sense of humor and it's scary to think of how Biden will do against her in a debate- not on substance, but in flash.
Listening to her speak, I hear shades of Reagan and fear that people won't really understand that behind that persona of hers lies a very conservative worldview. She has a laser sharp sense of humor and it's scary to think of how Biden will do against her in a debate- not on substance, but in flash.
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