Would you believe, Ray E s t o l a n o and Ray S o l a n o? One a Defense Attorney. The other in law enforcement. I'll let you guess who is who.
In case you are wondering, the beautiful beach that we are at is San Felipe. The beach is still as pretty as ever. The town has become dilapitated and strangely overdeveloped at the same time. Once upon a time, I remember loving the place. During my friend Cody's last vacation as a student before joining the work force, we went to San Felipe with a simple mission- shrimp in every meal and ice cold beer in every mug.
The beer and the shrimp are still good...
Getting back to the topic of my tocayo (which is Spanish for someone with the same name), I met him through one of my closest friends- Ruben L. Ray's agency made the decision to hire Ruben and Ray himself made the call.
"Mr. L, this is Ray S o l a n o from SDSU. I'm calling to offer you a job."
"Ray E S T O L A N O? Yeah, right. I'm Elvis Presley. Pleased to meet you."
"Excuse me?"
Somehow Ruben still got the job. Later Solano and I became friends.
It's a small, weird world, but it's comforting to have a tocayo. Even if he doesn't spell E S T O L A N O correctly...
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