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chula vista, California
Random thoughts, some of them funny, from a San Diego divorce and criminal defense attorney, as he fights for his clients in Court, fights the battle of bulge and goes through life.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Thinking about another member of the 100 club

The 100 pound club. When I started on the journey of weight loss a couple years ago, my goal was to be a member of the 100 pound club. I read about men and women who had lost over 100 pounds and was inspired. Two of my friends lost the weight through surgery, but I focused on people who had lost weight through a restricted calorie diet- particularly Optifast, where you subsist on 400 calories/day.

One man whose blog I read with some enthusiasm was "Optifast Loser"- he lost close to 200 pounds, then gained some of the weight back. Then his blog entries stopped. I always wondered what had happened to him. Was he successful, but just tired of writing these blog posts? Did he backslide, like I did, and became too embarrassed to share this with the world?

So, far it looks like I'll be successful in beating down the weight again. I've been pretty perfect with my diet over the first 39 days (with 35 lbs lost as of last Thursday) and I can see reaching 199 again to even out at 215 lbs.

But, I think I myself suffered a bit from the embarrassment factor. I didn't want to admit to everyone that the weight had come back again. Really, when I hit 250, I should have signed up again for the program, but I delayed and it was 40 pounds later that I refocused myself. Better late than never, though?

To make this work long term, I need to refocus myself and keep myself accountable for the months after this current weight loss. This means, constant weighing of myself and being frank about the weight gain when it happens.

Some thoughts...

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