I feel closer to the president elect already. I know what it's like to wear shoes with holes in the soles. You see, I am the type of guy who is loyal to his shoes. I wear my favorite pair of shoes- a black pair of Allen Edmonds- Monday through Friday and occasionally even on weekends. The shoes still look sharp after all this time- I polish them often and occasionally take them to a professional for a buffing. But, the soles are in the end stages of wearing out. It started with a little hole in the left shoe. Now I have big holes in the bottom of both soles. This drives my wife crazy.
"A lawyer doesn't wear shoes with holes in them." Well, not a normal lawyer, I guess.
"You have a closet full of the same shoes," she continues to point out. "About 10 pairs of black dress shoes. All Allen Edmonds!"
But they weren't the same- although all of my dress shoes are of the same brand and may look identical, there's a certain difference in feel between different pairs of shoes. My favorite shoes just feel more solid...holes aside.
"I'm going to throw them away," she says for about the tenth time. I shrug my shoulders, but realize that this isn't an empty threat. Not long ago- maybe 7 years- she threw away my old favorite pair of shoes...
"Okay, Maria." I finally say as I often do. "Next week I'll take them to get repaired." Of course, I am just buying time, but eventually I start feeling too many pebbles beneath my feet.
Finally, I decided to fix the shoes. I dropped them off at a reputable cobbler (is there any other kind of cobbler?).
Now, I am going through withdrawal. My feet just don't feel right!
Crazy, huh?
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